Advertisement policy

Current Nursing Ad Policy

 Advertisements placed in its pages are the sole sources of revenue for Current Nursing. But this site content is not influenced by advertisements or sponsorship and we do not have any conflict of interest with any organizations or companies. The ads which appear in the site are delivered to you by Google, as per the site's participation in the Google Adsense program. All advertisements on our site are well distinguished from the site content with the label 'Advertisement'.

Google automatically chooses and places the ads based on the content of a given page. We do not check the advertised sites for the accuracy of their content, and do not hold any responsibility in this regard. We do not endorse the products/sites advertised. You may use the "Ads by Google" link to give Google feedback on any of the displayed ads. If you find any objectionable/misleading ads in the pages of Current Nursing, please inform us at currentnursing[@] to advertise through this program may view the details at Google Ads.

Those who wish to advertise directly in Current Nursing may send a copy of the ad to currentnursing[@] with "Ad for Current Nursing" in the subject line. The duration for which the ads are to be displayed and the amount that you intend to pay should be mentioned in the mail.


Any suggestions and contributions can be made at currentnursing[@]

With warm regards


This page was last updated on: 30/11/2020