Nursing quiz

Nursing Research Quiz - 19
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Nursing Research Quiz - 19


1. Methods of checking the assumption of normal distribution include:

A. Construction of histogram

B. Calculating kurtosis and skewness values

C. Applying Komogrov-Smirnov test

D. Applying Sharpirov-Wilk test

E. All of the above

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2. If kurtosis or skewness values divided by their standard errors gives a value greater than + 1.96, then:Copyright@

A. Data does not deviate from normal distribution

B. Data does not follow a normal distribution

C. Data is significantly different from normal distribution

D. Data cannot be considered as normal

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3. What is not true about one-way ANOVA?

A. One-way ANOVA tests the significance of group differences when there is one DV and one IV.

B. Multiple t-tests instead of ANOVA increase the risk of committing Type I error

C. Assumption of normality and heterogeneity are important for applying ANOVA

D. One-way ANOVA calculates a correlation coefficient

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DV = dependent variable, IV = independent variable

4. Statistical regression include:

A. Forward selection

B. Backward deletion

C. Step-wise regression

D. All of the above

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5. A test's ability to detect a significant difference one truly exists is:

A. Null hypothesis

B. Power of the test

C. Effect size

D. Slope of the regression

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6. Scheffe's test is a:

A. A test for checking homogeneity

B. A test for checking normality of data

C. Post Hoc test of ANOVA

D. Non-parametric equivalent of ANOVA

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7. Y= a + b X Here, a is the Y- intercept, and b is the slope of the line.

This equation is used to calculate:

A. Correlation coefficient

B. Regression line

C. ANOVA F-value

D. Mann-Whiteny U test

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8. Which of the following null hypothesis is pertaining to multiple regression?

A. There will be no significant linear relationship between the set of predictors and the DV

B. There will be no significant linear relationship between two variables

C. The means of the DV scores for each levels of IV will not be significantly different

D. There is no significant difference between two sample means. Copyright@

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DV = dependent variable, IV = independent variable

9. Which of the following tests allows the researcher to make predictions of the DV based on several IVs?


B. Pearson correlation

C. Multiple regression

D. Independent t-test

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DV = dependent variable, IV = independent variable

10. E.g. A geographer is interested in the apparent reduction of rain fall in Assam, North-East of India, compared rain fall in 1991, 2001 and 2011.

Which statistical test should he use?

A. Repeated measures ANOVA

B. Multiple regression

C. Independent t-test

D. Pearson correlation coefficient

Answer Key

Answer Key
1. E 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. B
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A
  1. Polit H, Beck C T. Nursing research. 8th ed. New Delhi: Williams and Wilkins; 2008.
  2. Burns N, Grove S K. Understanding nursing research. 4th ed. New Delhi: Elsevier; 2007.
  3. Park JE, Park K. Text Book of Preventive and Social Medicine. 19th Edition. Jabalpur: M.S. Banarsidas Bhanot; 2007.
  4. Questions from entrance examinations relevant to nursing conducted in India. (NIMHANS/AIIMS/Manipal/Kerala/All India etc..)
  5. Cohen J. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ; 1988.
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