Nursing quiz

nursing foundations quiz

Nursing foundations Quiz - 3

1. Which of the following intervention is NOT recommended in watery diarrhea?

A. Intravenous Albumin

B. Psyllium

C. Potassium supplements

D. Normal saline

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2. Anaphylactic reaction after administering penicillin indicates

A. An acquired atopic sensitization

B. Passive immunity to penicillin allergen

C. Antibodies to penicillin developed after earlier use of the drug

D. Developed potent bivalent antibodies when the IV administration was started

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3. Which of the following is considered as a example of intentional tort?

A. Malpractice

B. Negligence

C. Breach of duty

D. False imprisonment

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4. Which of the following assessment finding is typical of extracellular fluid loss?

A. Distended jugular veins

B. Elevated hematocrit level

C. Rapid thready pulse

D. Increased serum sodium level

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5. Which of the following is the appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with a terminal illness who is passing through the acceptance stage?

A. Allowing the patient to cry

B. Encouraging unrestricted visiting

C. Explaining the patient what is being done

D. Being around though not speaking

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6. The interpretation of the data collected about the patient represents the

A. Assessment of the patient

B. Health problems of the patient

C. Proposed plan of care for the patient

D. Nursing interventions done for the patient

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7. Which of the following assessment data is expected in a patient admitted with extracellular fluid excess?

A. Elevated hematocrit level

B. Rapid, thready pulse

C. Distended jugular pressure

D. Increased serum sodiu level

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8. Which of the following is an appropriate nursing action when caring a patient who has a radium implant for cancer of cervix?

A. Restrict the visitors to a 10-minute stay

B. Store urine in a lead-lined container

C. Wear a lead apron when giving care

D. Avoid giving IM injections to gluteal region

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9. Which of the following situation is considered as an intentional tort?

A. Nurse miscounts the gauze pads during a surgery

B. Nurse divulges private information about the patient to media

C. Nurse causes a burn when applying a warm soak to legs

D. Nurse fails to monitor blood pressure when administering an antihypertensive drug

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10. Which of the following is a preparation of choice for a patient who has bee admitted in ED with an open contaminated injury and no recent history of tetanus immunization?

A. DTP vaccine

B. Tetanus toxoid

C. Tetanus antitoxin

D. Tetanus immunoglobulin

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11. What is the primary purpose of administering potassium chloride infusion to patient with diabetic ketoacidosis?

A. Treatment of hypepnea

B. Prevention of fluccid paralysis

C. Replacement of excessive losses

D. Treatment of cardiac arrythmias

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12. Which of the following clinical finding indicates the patient is experiencing hypokalemia?

A. Edema

B. Muscle spasms

C. Kussaumal breathing

D. Abdominal distention

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13. Which of the following nursing intervention takes priority in a patient who has undergone corrective surgery for laceration of the bladder?

A. Turning frequently

B. Raising side rails of the bed

C. Providing range-of-motion exercises

D. Massaging the back three times a day

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14. A nurse inadvertently infuses an IV solution containing potassium chloride too rapidly. Which of the following is an appropriate intervention advised by the physician?

A. Rapid infusion of IV Ringer's solution

B. Rapid infusion of IV NS 0.9%

C. Insulin added to 10% dextrose in water solution

D. Administration of albumin

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15. Which of the following principle guides nurses' priorities at a disaster caused by a collapsed building in an earthquake?

A. Hemorrhage necessitates immediate care to save most lives

B. Those requiring minimal care are treated first so that they can help others

C. Those with head injuries are treated first so that their care more complex

D. Children should get highest priority because they have the greatest life expectancy

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Answer Key
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D
11. C 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. B
  1. Nettina, Sandra M.; Mills, Elizabeth Jacqueline. Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, 8th Edition. Copyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
This page was last updated on:5/10/2020