Nursing quiz
nursing foundations quiz
Nursing foundations Quiz - 2
1. A tendency to view one’s own way of life as the most desirable, acceptable, or best and to act in a superior manner toward another culture is
2. Which of the following is NOT a concept related to transtheoretical model of behavior change developed by Prochaska and DiClemente?
3. Alarm, resistance, and exhaustion are concepts related to
4. Which of the following ethical principles refers to the duty not to harm?
5. The ethics theory that states moral standards or principles exist independently of the ends or consequences is the
6. The concept of “the greatest good for the greatest number” is based on
7. Skin breaks, abrasion, blister, or shallow crater, edema, and infection are characteristics of
8. Lactated Ringer’s solution is contraindicated in
9. A circumscribed raised lesion that contains pus which may be formed as a result of purulent changes in a vesicle is
10. Which of
the following is considered as an indication for
administering serum albumin?
1. A | 2. C | 3. D | 4. B | 5. B |
6. A | 7. B | 8. C | 9. C | 10. D |
- Nettina, Sandra M.; Mills, Elizabeth Jacqueline. Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, 8th Edition. Copyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.