Nursing quiz
Community Health Nursing Quiz - 1
1. The last case of smallpox was reported in the world in:
2. Smallpox was eradicated because of the following factors except:
3. Which of the following is true of chickenpox?
4. Infectivity of chickenpox last
5. All stages of rash are seen in:
6. Carriers are associated with transmission of disease in all except:
7. Koplik's spots are seen in:
8. All are true about measles except:
9. Sub acute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) can occur in infection with:
10. Which of the following diseases gives life-long immunity after an attack?
1. A | 2. C | 3. A | 4. C | 5. A |
6. C | 7. B | 8. B | 9. A | 10. B |
- Park JE, Park K. Text Book of Preventive and Social Medicine. 19th Edition. Jabalpur: M.S. Banarsidas Bhanot; 2007.