Nursing quiz

mental health quiz

Psychopathology quiz - 10

1. Visual hallucinations are seen in

A. Delirium tremens

B. Mania

C. Depression

D. Phobia

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2. Tactile hallucinations of insects crawling under the skin are called

A. Kianesthetic

B. Functional

C. Formication

D. Extracampine

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3. Tactile hallucinations are associated with

A. Schizophrenia

B. Cocaine psychosis

C. Temporal lobe epilepsy

D. All of the above

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4. Hallucinations of smell are seen in

A. Uncinate fit

B. Schizophrenia

C. Depression

D. Mania

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5. The hallucinations occurring in the semiconscious state preceding awakening are called

A. Extracampine

B. Pseudohallucinations

C. Hypnogogic

D. Hypnopompic

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6. Auditory hallucinations are NOT seen in

A. Schizophrenia

B. Manic episode with psychosis

C. Dissociative disorders

D. Amphetamine toxicity

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7. Which of the following complaint by the patient is NOT psychogenic?

A. Left infra mammary pain

B. Seeing haloes around lights

C. Inability to take a deep breath

D. Inability to sustain erection

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8. Which of the following are ego-dystonic, EXCEPT

A. Phobia

B. Obsession

C. Delusion

D. Somatic concession

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9. Verbigeration (repetition of words and phrases without reference to their meaning and without apparently signifying anything) may be seen in: 

A. Catatonic schizophrenia

B. Dementia

C. Paranoid schizophrenia

D. Delusional disorders

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10. Dissociation is present in all, EXCEPT:

A. Fugue

B. Delirium

C. Multiple personality

D. Somnabulism

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11. Persevaration is

A. Repeating persistently the words of his own or others

B. Using strange words

C. Using real words strung together oddly

D. Persistent thinking from which patient can't get rid of himself

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12. Deja vu may be seen in all of the following, EXCEPT:

A. Temporal lobe epilepsy

B. Hysteria 

C. Drug intoxication

D. Obsessional thoughts

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13. Pseudologia fantastica is typically seen in

A. Azheimer's disease

B. Cotard's syndrome

C. Ekbom's syndrome

D. Munchausen's syndrome

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14. Mutism is NOT associated with

A. Hysteria

B. Catatonic stupor

C. Depressive stupor

D. Korsakoff's psychosis

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15. Psychiatric manifestation is seen in all, EXCEPT

A. Hypothyroidism

B. Hyperthyroidism

C. Acute intermittent porphyria

D. Second stage of syphilis

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Answer Key
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D
6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B
11. A 12. D 13. D 14. D 15. D
  1. Smeltzer SC, & Bare BG. (2004). Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. 10th edition. (Edrs). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. .
This page was last updated on:7/10/2020