Nursing quiz

ophthalmology quiz

ophthalmology quiz

1. Which of the following drug is contraindicated in a patient with glucoma who is scheduled for surgery?

A. Demerol (meperidine) 50 mg IM

B. Atropine sulfate 0.4 mg IM

C. Valium (diazepam) 2 mg IM

D. Phenergan (promethazine) 25 mg IM

Answer Key

2. Before initiating therapy with acetazolamide for management of glucoma, the patient must be evaluated for allergy or sensititivity to:

A. corticosteroids

B. non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs

C. penicillin

D. sulfa drugs

Answer Key

3. Beta-adrenergic receptor blocker eye drops can

A. Aggravate bronchial asthma

B. Precipitate glucoma

C. Increase blood pressure

D. Cause bradycardia

Answer Key

4. Staphylococcal infection of sebaceous glands of the eye lids is called

A. Blepharitis

B. Conjunctivitis

C. Keratitis

D. Hordeolum

Answer Key

5. Topical glucocorticosteroids are used for treating

A. Iridocylitis

B. Keratitis

C. Conjunctivitis

D. Uveitis

Answer Key

6. Which of the following is indicated for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis?

A. Cromolyn sodium 4%

B. Natamycin 5%

C. Idoxiuridine 0.1%

D. Gatifloxacin 0.3%

Answer Key

7. Which of the following is mydriatic which do not lead to cycloplegia?

A. Atropine 0.5-2%

B. Phenylephedrine 0.12-10%

C. Cyclopentolate 0.5-2%

D. Tropicamide

E. Pilocarpine

Answer Key

8. An employee at a chemical plant is splashed in the eye with a chemical. The priority nursing intervention is to:

A. cover the eye with a gauge patch.

B. place antibiotic ointment in the eye.

C. rinse the eye continuously for 15 minutes.

D. read the label on the chemical and call the emergency center.

Answer Key

9. All the following are indications of mydriasis, except

A. Determination of refractive error

B. Fundoscopic examination of eyes

C. Treatment of glucoma

D. Treatment of iridocyclitis

Answer Key

10. Pilocarpine (0-5%) drops are indicated in the treatment of

A. Acute iritis

B. Acute uveitis

C. Myopia

D. Glucoma

Answer Key

11. The nurse should instruct a client preparing for eye surgery that which of these activities will be restricted post-operatively?

A. Bending with the knees flexed

B. Bending from the waist

C. Keeping the head in a neutral position

D. Lying flat

Answer Key

12. Pilocarpine reduces elevated intraocular pressure in glucoma by

A. Decreasing the production of aqueoushumor by the ciliarary body

B. Decreasing the out flow of the aqueous humor

C. Increasing the out flow of the aqueous humor

D. Dilating the anterior chamber of the eye

Answer Key

13. Which of the following drug causes retinal pigmentation?

A. Aminoglycosides

B. Chlorpromazine

C. Sildenafil

D. Digoxin

E. Tamoxifen

Answer Key

14. Digoxin causes

A. Optic neuritis

B. Retinal pigmentation

C. Blue vision

D. Scotoma

Answer Key

15. Classification of glucoma includes all, except

A. Open angle

B. Congenital

C. Closed angle

D. Drug-induced

E. Wide angle

Answer Key

Answer Key
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. D
6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. D
11. A 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. E
  1. Smeltzer SC, & Bare BG. (2004). Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. 10th edition. (Edrs). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. .
This page was last updated on:7/10/2020